Stronger Leaner Faster Him Book:

Complete Year of Periodization Training – 365 Days

About the Book

stronger leaner faster him training bookcoverWe all know that exercise generates numerous health benefits, alongside the aesthetics of a strong, lean, fit looking body.  However, modern day life often makes it difficult to find time for the gym, as our daily lives are jam packed with timelines, commitments, and daily surprises.  When we finally make time to go the gym, the next step of knowing what to do, when to do it, and how – is even more daunting.  None of us wish to waste precious time by doing something without seeing desired results. We all share the same common goals to lose fat, gain muscle, look and feel better.  Some of us may be new to the gym, or coming back from an injury – and are unsure how to begin.  Others, may have come to a stand still in their training; reaching a plateau. 

The common question is, what’s keeping us from reaching those fitness goals?

For some, it’s the anxiety of entering the gym – mainly due to having no plan, and not knowing what to do.  For others it’s the stagnation of doing the same old routine and program over and over again.  Our lack of progress lies within not being informed as to how the body understands and responds to physical stress – exercise.  With countless experts in the field, the information is ever changing as science evolves at a fast pace.  Often opinions of those experts contradict each other, pulling us in different lines of thought.  Some advocate resistance training while others insist on cardio as the ultimate method to lose fat, gain muscle and so on.  This can be overwhelming to anyone wishing to understand research and apply it to their training.

The answers to all of your fitness related confusions are presented in this book.  A must have for anyone who is serious about reaching their fitness goals – from a novice trainee, or someone returning to the gym after extensive leave, to a lifter experiencing plateaus and/or wishing to elevate training potential.  The three plus years of research and experimentation have been created into a system and presented in the simplest of terms.  Yablonsky discusses how the body works mechanically and metabolically – what it does during exercise, and how it responds afterwards.  By understanding body’s interpretation of fat, calories and mechanical overload, Yablonsky creates conditions favouring desired results of a better body through Stronger, Leaner, Faster Self. 

In this book, the author discuss how the body works mechanically and metabolically — what it does during exercise, and how it responds afterwards.  By understanding body’s interpretation of fat, calories and mechanical overload, the author creates conditions favouring desired results of stronger, leaner, faster — overall lean and healthy body.

This book has taken:

  • 3+ years of research, experimentations, and interpretation of data.
  • analyzing and interpreting 100+ articles
  • reading 30+ health, fitness and training books
  • 1500+ hours to compile this information into an easy, compact book format.

Topics discussed include:

Strength Training – principles and best methods of achieving a strong and fit body.

Metabolism – what happens before, during, and after exercise.

Hormones  their involvement in an exercise session and body maintenance.

Fat – No topic is left unexplained from spot fat to hormones.

Energy Systems – how to maximize on ATP generation and tap into fat reserves towards achieving results.

Body Mechanics – integration of principles into training protocols generating an efficient body.

Setting Goals – principles, planning, and periodizing training.

Here, yablonsky explains what works, how it works, and why it works.  Finally, you now have a book that takes the guess work out of the equation.

Table of Content

Book Length – 132 pages, 1MB download

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Chapter 1:   Strength Training: Evolution and History

Chapter 2:   Resistance Training: The Principles

Chapter 3:   Energy Systems, Fuel, and Metabolic Flexibility

Chapter 4:   Fat: Metabolic Gender Considerations and Training

Chapter 5:   Introduction to Strength   

Chapter 6:   Strength Training and Anabolic Response

Chapter 7:   Strength Training Methods

Chapter 8:   Introduction to Power

Chapter 9:   Fatigue, Injuries, and Recovery

Chapter 10:   The Training Plan

Chapter 11: Few Words of Wisdom

Thank You!

About The Author


About the Training Phases

The Stronger Leaner Faster system is a complete one year training plan, structured daily sessions outlining precise exercise routines; while guiding the reader with explanations, direction and purpose of the program.

The Program – complete full-year periodization plan towards a Stronger, Leaner, Faster self is available in Phases below.  We recommend you start with phase I and move on consecutively from there.  However, you are free to choose a phase of your choice as per training goals.

Phase I: Anatomical Adaptation Hypertrophy aka Body Conditioning

12 weeks long phase I introduces structural training, in from of dynamic warm-up routines, for body’s neuromuscular and endocrine systems.  The protocol is also designed to improve intra- and inter-muscular abilities such as balance, coordination, and neural firing patterns that may have declined over the years.  Majority of these corrections will be addressed through strengthening relationship between agonist and antagonist muscles and balancing the strength within them.  Developing proper form through greater flexibility and balance will also result in connective tissue benefits.  This benefit will increase integrity of overall musculoskeletal system reducing risk of injury during upcoming training phases. 

Phase I, is divided into cluster of Microcycles, each containing 6 training sessions.  These sessions extend over a two week period (three training sessions per week) with ample rest to ensure full recovery. 

First microcycle will introduce dynamic stretching, which entails and emphasizes importance of mental and physical preparation before the training session itself.  Different movements, some static, some dynamic will allow the body to engage itself though muscular contraction, vascular circulation, hormone release, and mental preparation. 

Second microcycle will introduce some free weight dimension to your training routines.  We will incorporate compound lifts as these exercises are the best overall training method.  Attention is given to learning the technique and form, using lighter intensity through greater number of repetitions. 

The last sets of microcycles will gradually increase progressive overload by producing more force through greater intensity and number of sets.  This will be balanced with less number of repetitions.  Training in such fashion will initiate more CNS involvement while encompassing formula for optimal muscular size and strength.

This phase is ideal for beginners who are new to training, or anyone who is returning to the gym after extensive leave.  If you are progressing through our SLF program, this phase is strongly recommended to prime your body for the progressive training ahead.

Phase II: The Hybrid

8 weeks long phase II will increase our exercise library and enhance muscular endurance.  Hybrid is a high intensity power development training plan that incorporates volume training with limited rest.  The intensity is prescribed in form of repetitions for each training session.  We will not worry about training density and programming specific number of sets into a work-out session.  The sets will be a flexible entity differing between exercises.

Hybrid is a program incorporating philosophies that encompass power, speed, strength and endurance in one system.  Combining power training through Olympic lifts and compound movements using core and stability presents your neuromuscular system with unique physical challenges in each training session.

Hybrid will yield noticeable results from recovery stages through higher basal metabolic rate (BMR), greater aerobic performance (VO2max), and body composition (greater lean body mass and lower body fat).  Recent research links this style of training to stronger neuromuscular system with increases in growth hormone (GH) and testosterone levels.

Phase III: Strength Training

12 weeks long phase III will increase your strength, along with greater lean body mass development.  The progressive results from this training phase will also depend on individual training background and adaptability to mechanical overload. 

Our 5X5 strength program is an amalgamation of some methods seen before while implementing newer lifting techniques and programming parameters.  Strength protocol is designed for individuals in beginner and intermediate training category.  The program is simple and very effective, it will require your focus and dedication as it will test you both physically and mentally.

The training program is designed in two stages. 

  • Weeks 1-6 will be set as Basic Strength Stage
  • Week 7 is flexible week and can be used to Deload (light weights). 
  • The last weeks 8-10 will be the Strength Volume Stage, which is a climb to the top of the strength mountain.  In these weeks you will be applying all variables of progressive overload by increasing intensity and volume through greater frequency during same training sessions
  • Week 12 is optional and is designed as a testing platform to determine your overall progress of the program.

Phase IV: Hypertrophy Strength 

When stress is applied (through progressive overload) skeletal muscles need to work more effectively and adapt if necessary — in order to deal with new physical demands.  This means that in order to push more weight for longer time periods, your body needs to produce more force.  This is accomplished through motor unit recruitment and hypertrophy.  This 14-weeks hypertrophy periodization program will be familiar to many as it consists of split training routines.  These routines will be based on antagonistic movements and presented in superset exercises.  Exercises for these movements and some training variables will vary between microcycles, in order to create different elements within progressive overload.  This phase will utilize several principles of resistance training — Neural Adaptation Stage (NAS) and Strength Development Stage (SDS).

The goal for NAS is hypertrophy, endurance, and ability to produce more work over each microcycle through progressive overload.  This will be accomplished through body movements and compound lifts incorporating many different muscles. 

During SDS weeks, you will hybridize the training — incorporating strength, hypertrophy, and strength endurance.   Progressive overload equations will continuously be balanced by slowly decreasing repetitions (volume) while utilizing greater loads (intensity). 

Now, let’s build some muscle!

Phase V: Power Development

The main goal and focus of this 13-weeks long program is Power Development.  Power is a unique biomotor ability as it combines abilities of strength and speed into one entity, which comes with greater engagement of CNS, inter- and intramuscular coordination, and recruitment of the fastest muscle fibers (type IIA and IIB).  The exercises of choice are Olympic Lifts, often aimed at intermediate and advanced level trainees due to power and technique development.  Such trainees often possess lifting experience and developed CNS to recruit and synchronize MUs effectively in order to generate force.  Taking the above into consideration, this Power Development Phase has been designed for a broader audience; with novice and intermediate individuals in mind.  Power phase of this book will have different loading parameters by focusing on training (workout) density within each session.  This will be accomplished by combining exercises involving numerous muscle groups; while building power through speed, intensity, and volume. 

As you progress through the training regime, your CNS will be pushed into overdrive in order to cope with prescribed volume.  As a result, CNS will become more efficient than ever before in recruiting fast twitch MUs.  Regardless of volume, the program implements plenty of rest days generating ample opportunity for appropriate adaptations and limiting risk of overreaching.

My Story

My story in not unique or special; it’s the same as millions of men, yourself likely included.  When I was younger and more active through sports and fitness, I felt invincible.  I could stay up late, party, eat whatever I wanted and not suffer much of consequences.  After University, I was tipping the scale at 255 lbs (~ 115 kg) and feeling strong.  It was in my mid 20’s when my body slowly began to change.  I’ve been training since the age of 14 and am very familiar with my body and how it reacts to food and exercise.  However, after 25, my body slowly but steadily began to respond differently.  I was still training hard, using heavy weights, but now it was taking longer time for me to recover from exercise sessions; and joint pains were more prominent than before.  Another thing was happening, I began to slowly gain weight – not muscle mass but the dreaded fat.

At first my weight increase was barely noticeable only pound or two a year.  After 30, my body’s metabolism shifted as if I walked through some biochemical-shifting door.  As the waist size continued to grow, I tried to reverse this affect and began paying more attention to what I ate.  I researched and tried different diets: high protein / low carb, high protein / high fat, counted calories, and looked into diets of our ancestors; I also tasted many of the promising products advertised on TV and magazines.  I switched up my good old exercise routine, and played around with what I did in the gym, how much and how often.  Oh, I’ve also tried numerous weight-loss supplements which made the heart race like I was having a panic attack and urinate every 15 minutes.  With all that effort, my bodyweight kept on increasing.

By age 33, I tipped the scale over 272 lbs (~ 122.5 kg) mark and being 5’11” (180 cm), I wasn’t getting any taller, just wider.  I also began getting injured at the gym.  I sustained a number of injuries that had to be rehabilitated including: partially torn left pectoral (chest), partially torn back muscles around left scapula, partially torn fixator (stabilizer) muscles inside my left shoulder (rotator cuff), and partially torn tendon inside my right shoulder.  Every injury set me back weeks out of the gym and months doing rehabilitation type of work.  My joint pain became more prominent around the elbows and knees in particular, which was a constant nuisance.  My energy levels were at an all time low and I had tough time keeping up with my 2 toddler daughters around the local playground.

Along with the physical changes my internal system was also suffering.  My blood pressure was increasing with every doctor’s visit.  Some people throw words like genetics into the mix.  Well my genetics – or family history coincides with cancer, and plenty of it.  All of what was happening added up to the decision towards change – as I wanted to live and enjoy life with my family.

With an increasing waist line my quality of life began to suffer.  I realized that changes needed to be made or I may not be around past the age of 50.  It was shortly after my 33rd birthday, that I decided to begin a new life chapter, and live every day.  That meant, not only changing what I ate and how I exercised, but also changing myself.  I started the journey towards Stronger, Leaner, Faster – ME.

I began extensively researching training applications, stress, fatigue, as well as body’s mechanics, physiology and biochemistry.  Having a Science background was a significant aid, and having another scientist (my wife – Dupinder) made the whole system development that much faster.  As we began to ask the right questions, we discovered not only what type of conditions the body responds to but also how it begins to counter and adapt to them.

Research data comprised from hundreds of scientific articles, academic textbooks, popular fitness books on the market, internet and other avenues possessing information of value.  The second stage was the practical training applications from high level athletes to average joes were personally tested, with trial and errors along the way.  The 3 plus year process of manipulating parameters of progressive overload, testing and re-testing again and again until a perfect balance of body’s performance, work and results were attained.

And speaking of results … well, they are simply incredible.  Throughout this voyage I have steadily lost 55 lbs (~ 25 kg) implementing designed training protocols and using nutrition methods described in The No-Diet Book.  The joint pain and injuries are a thing of the past.  I am stronger, have more energy, and doing more things – I’m enjoying my life!  I am Stronger, Leaner, Faster in every sense of these words.  All this was achieved while being 100% drug free.  This is nothing against guys who dabble in “pharmaceutical cocktails”, steroids and alike; as we all have different goals – and mine are all about healthier lifestyle, longevity and consistent results.

This program was developed for people with busy schedules.  I understand what it’s like to not have enough hours in the day.  With all life commitments, demanding work schedule, family, kids, school, the last thing we want is to spend time at the gym.

This program is not a “lose 25 lbs (~ 11.3 kg) before the summer” routines (and then gain it all back, and then some as is often the case).  The program design is to maximize on human’s greatest ability – adaptation.  As part of your new lifestyle, you will have the same results year round and continue to excel and make progress.

This book, not only shows you what works and why, but also how.  It takes the guess work right out.  By having a planned training schedule that has been vigorously researched, planned and tested, you will begin your own journey towards Stronger, Leaner, Faster.  Throughout this book you will learn as much about training as you will about yourself; reaching the goals once believed to be unattainable.

So, lets get started.  Press the link below.

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This program is developed for busy men who are ready to take their health and fitness to the next level.  If your goals include losing fat, building lean body mass, improving your metabolism and immunity — Stronger Leaner Faster Him is for you!  As an author, entrepreneur, full-time employee and a father, I understand what it’s like to not have enough hours in the day.  With all life commitments, demanding work schedule, family, kids, school, the last thing anyone wants is to spend time at the gym.  This program is not a “lose 25 lbs (~ 12 kg) before the summer” routines (with strong likelihood of gaining it all back afterwards).  The training foundation is designed to maximize human’s greatest ability — adaptation.  As part of your new lifestyle, you will have the same results year round and continue to excel and make progress.

This program, not only shows you what works and why, but also how.  It takes the guess work right out.  By having a planned training schedule that has been vigorously researched, planned and tested, you will begin your own journey towards Stronger, Leaner, Faster.  Throughout our books you will learn as much about training as you will about yourself; reaching the goals once believed to be unattainable.

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Complete Package

Stronger Leaner Faster Him Training Book + All 5 Phases

Stronger Leaner Faster Him Training Book

Phase I: Anatomical Adaptation Hypertrophy aka Body Conditioning

Phase II: The Hybrid

Phase III: Strength Training

Phase IV: Hypertrophy Strength 

Phase V: Power Development

Limited time offer over 50% off bundle price

This Complete Package costs less then 1 personal training session at a gym.  Don’t miss out on this offer!

Total Cost $105.00 $50.00